
Winter of 2017.

Millions of young people around the world are following SKAM, the norwegian teenage tv-show.

Everyone learned a bit of norwegian, like drittsekk and sjalu, but also that the best way to build friendships and be nice to others and yourself is by eating potatoes – something demonstrated in some of the most iconic scenes of the show!


To remind everyone that McDonalds makes fun and good food that makes you feel good, we created a post based on the potato-positive quote:

 ”Kroppen din trenger potet” - your body needs potatoes.

The post got thousands of likes, shares and comments.

With over 5,8K reactions, more than 5,8K comments and 99 shares, it reached as many as 623 284, of wich 343 009 was pure organic reach. It was an increase by more than 128,67% and created a great amount of brand love and publicity for McDonalds.